
Monday, May 04, 2020

Lebanon again tells Palestinians to go to hell. Human rights groups, again, are silent.

Like most countries, Lebanon has been arranging flights from countries around the world to bring back citizens during the coronavirus pandemic.

Last Friday, the General Directorate of Lebanese Public Security issued a directive (No. 5932 / m) to Middle East Airlines to not allow people from the Palestinian refugee community in Lebanon  to return to Lebanon on evacuation aircraft.

A small number of Palestinians in Lebanon have a Palestinian travel document or an PA passport so they can travel to some countries.

The directive said that Lebanese can return along with their families - but no servants, and no Palestinians.

As a result, many Palestinians who were preparing to return on the evacuation flights in Lebanon were informed that their names had been deleted from the approved lists. These people have no other place to go, and Palestinian media is regarding this as a kind of expulsion of Palestinians from Lebanon.

A Palestinian residing in Lebanon who is married to a Lebanese woman and who has a Lebanese mother (but Palestinian father)  told Al-Akhbar that he was literally pulled from the plane after one of the General Security officers checked his papers. He was forced to stay at Dubai airport, although the Dubai authorities had already given him an exit visa. He managed to get himself onto the plane but he knows that many other Lebanese Palestinians are stuck in Dubai with no way of going back to the only home they ever had.

Because they are Palestinians.

Just some more Arab apartheid against Palestinians that doesn't get coverage in the West.

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