David Abrams of the Israel Advocacy Center has filed a lawsuit against Oxfam using a very interesting argument.
The text of the suit says:
Oxfam has received substantial USAID funding in recent years. In order to be eligible for funding, Oxfam had to execute certifications indicating that it has not provided material support or resources to terrorist persons or entities in the last 10 years.There is no question that Hamas controls all Gaza government institutions, which means Abrams' lawsuit has merit because Oxfam misrepresented itself by saying it was not supporting terror. giving money to Hamas government functions means it can free up money for building tunnels and rockets.
...From approximately 2013 to 2017, Oxfam sponsored a project in the Gaza Strip to promote agriculture in urban and suburban areas. The project came to be known as "GUPAP," which stands for "Gaza Urban and Peri-Urban Agricultural Platform."Among other things, the GUPAP project provided support and assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of National Economy in Gaza.Since Hamas controls the government in the Gaza Strip, the substantial effect of such assistance is to aid Hamas, which has been a Designated Foreign Terrorist Organization by the U.S. State Department since 1997.
The lawsuit was filed in February 2018 but was only unsealed this week.