
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Erdogan meets with Neturei Karta "rabbis" in New York - but keeps it low key

Turkish media are reporting that Turkey's president Recep Erdogan met with "Jewish rabbis" in New York, away from the eyes of journalists and the media - at his request.

The rabbis were the crazy fringe anti-Zionists of Neturei Karta, and evidently they took the photo shown here.

According to information obtained by the Zaman newspaper, Erdogan held his meeting with the nuts at the Hilton Hotel Midtown in New York City.

Why is Erdogan embarrassed? Because Muslim antisemites freak out when photos like this get out. Like this guy who says that Erdogan met with extremist Israelis, and then pretended to be anti-Israel at the UN.

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