
Friday, August 02, 2019

Imagine if the UN actually wanted peace

This week there was a conference in Jordan sponsored by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) on the topic of “Green Technology Transfer, Adaptation and Investment Required for Implementing SDG 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production.”

ESCWA is perhaps the most antisemitic commission of the UN. All of its members are Arab states, despite its name. It specifically excludes Israel from its Arab-only "Western Asia" agenda - while it includes African Arab states.

It has written insanely anti-Israel reports, and routinely refers to Israel as an "apartheid state" using criteria that would mean that nearly every member of ESCWA is also an apartheid state.

In 2014, ESCWA posted 181 "facts" on Twitter and Facebook for the International Year of the Palestinian People, many of which were simply untrue. (They have since taken them down.)

ESCWA's hate for Israel is not a question.

Just imagine, though, that the UN wasn't so insanely hateful. Imagine is ESCWA actually wanted to work for peace instead of war with Israel. Imagine if ESCWA adhered to the actual principles of the UN.

Specifically, imagine if ESCWA had invited Israel to this conference on green technology in the Middle East, a topic that no one is more familiar with than Israel.

Would the Arab members have walked out? Probably Syria, maybe Libya and Lebanon. But if ESCWA had any actual interest in peace, it would be censuring the members that can't abide Israel's existence rather than allowing them to set the anti-Israel agenda for the entire Commission.

The entire purpose of the UN is to help keep world peace. ESCWA could do that by inviting Israel to relevant meetings.

But of course Middle East peace is not a priority of UN ESCWA. Quite the opposite.

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