
Monday, August 05, 2019

A Turkish "expert" pretends to teach us Talmud

A website called United World International, run by a Turkish "expert in Foreign Relations" Koray Gürbüz, has an article on President Trump's major strengths and weaknesses.

One of those weaknesses are his "strong pro-Israel positions":

In making foreign policy decisions, Trump acts on his own idiosyncratic logic – which just so happens to be consistent with Israel’s interests. This is why Trump recognized Jerusalem and the Golan Heights as part of Israel, his strong rhetoric around anti-Semitism, his the tough stance against Iran and his concerted attacks on Syria.

The problem is not that the senators are accusing him of being bought and sold by the Israeli lobby, as was the case during Trump’s debate with Ilhan Omar. Omar was switfly [sic] accused of anti-Semitism for her words.

The actual issue is that anti-Semitism has nothing to do with anti-Zionism. Zionist policy essentially denies Judaism, and violates the basic talmudic commandments — it is anti-religion. As long as a Zionist policy is in place in Israel, building a multipolar world will be a difficult task.
I love when self-declared experts tell Jews what Judaism is and isn't.

I believe the expression is "goysplaining."

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