
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Why was Bibi a Dachshund in the cartoon? Because it is German!

The antisemitic New York Times cartoon positioned Netanyahu as a dachshund, which is not the normal dog one would associate with being a seeing eye dog.

But that breed has often been used in political cartoons to refer to Germany.

In World War I, the dachshund was often used as a stand-in for Germany:

This political cartoon in Punch used the specific idea of a Dachshund as a seeing eye dog to lampoon Turkey's joining the war on the German side:

In World War II, the dachshund was used  to symbolize Nazi Germany (including by Dr. Seuss:)

The artist of the offensive cartoon, Antonio Antunes Moreira. had previously compared Israel to Nazi Germany in this incredibly antisemitic cartoon from the 1980s:

The dachshund was not a coincidence. Moreira wanted to again compare Israel to Nazi Germany.

(h/t Irene)

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