
Tuesday, April 09, 2019

"Israel Apartheid Week" at Wits University can have antisemitism and support for terrorists - but a female Ethiopian Israeli reservist is not acceptable

The Wits (University) Vuvuzela reports:

A guest speaker for the South African Union of Jewish Students (SAUJS) at the Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) was escorted off the Wits University campus on Thursday, April 4, after it was found that she is a soldier.

Ashager Araro, a well-known Israeli-Ethiopian Zionist and reserve soldier of the Israeli Defence Forces left the campus surrounded by private security after supporters of the Palestinian Solidarity Committee (PSC) confronted her about her military role.

PSC and SAUJS supporters found themselves in a heated and tense exchange over Araro as both groups of students converged on the piazza in front of the Chamber of Mines building.

“You guys are letting soldiers on to our campus now, we’ll note this,” said a Palestinian supporter to Jabu Mashinini, senior programme adviser for student governance, in reference to Araro.

Apparently, both the Jewish/Zionist students and the Israel haters had informally agreed that no military personnel would be allowed to participate.

But explicitly supporting terrorist is perfectly fine.

Look how upset these people are at a proud, black Jewish Zionist woman. This anger in the video has nothing to do with  "justice" or supporting Palestinians - it is pure hate that someone who passes all the intersectionality victimhood rules disagrees with them.

Previous years of IAW and Wits had actual violence and antisemitism against the Jewish and pro-Israel students, with no consequences. Showing the flag of Hezbollah, a terror group whose logo features a gun, is perfectly fine.

Here is video from IAW 2017:


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