
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Proof that BDS is antisemitic: An Israeli band is touring England with no one protesting, because they aren't Jewish

Pro-Palestinian and pro-BDS social media activists are very happy to see the hip-hop group DAM announcing their tour of England next week:

What they don't mention is that DAM is based out of Lod, Israel.

They might identify as Palestinian, but they are Israeli. They might have songs that are anti-Israel, but they pay Israeli taxes. They started their career singing in Hebrew and playing in Tel Aviv clubs. Their first anti-Israel song was written after one of their friends was killed in a shooting - even though he was killed by an Arab.

Their Internet domain is registered in Israel.

By any definition, they are an Israeli hip-hop group that sings now in Arabic.

But BDS isn't boycotting this Israeli band.

No, the woke people behind BDS only boycott "Israeli" artists when they are Jewish. If DAM would bring in a leftist anti-Israel Israeli Jew to sing with them, they would lose every gig in England because of protests.

BDS is pure Jew-hatred dressed up as "anti-Zionist."

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