
Thursday, April 05, 2018

15 of the 19 killed in Gaza were members of terror groups

Honest Reporting has researched the affiliations of the people killed in Gaza in the past week, and the number of dead who were members of terror groups is significantly higher than even the IDF has announced publicly.

As the article shows, the dead include:
  • 7 operatives from Hamas’ Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades
  • 1 operative of the military wing of the Islamic Jihad, Saraya al-Quds
  • 2 activists of Katayef al-Maqawama al-Wataniya al-Filastina – the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
  • 1 operative of the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the military wing of Fatah’s Shahid Nakhl al-‘Amudi faction
  • 1 Hamas security forces operative (armed)
  • 1 military activist of the Fatah movement
  • 1 affiliate of Shada al-Aqsa – the Shahid unit of Nabil Mas’ud – an Iranian-oriented faction
  • 1 Hamas-affiliated operative with an orientation to the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades
  • 1 Fatah activist – it has not been proven that he is a military activist
  • 3 without any significant organizational affiliation
Each one of the dead is documented.

The percentage of actual fighters and members of terror groups compared to Gaza's population is quite small. Perhaps there are 20,000 fighters in Gaza out of (supposedly) 2 million people, around 1%.

Israel has done a very poor job of explaining its actions, but the facts show that it is an absolute lie to say that the IDF is indiscriminately shooting at innocent, peaceful protesters.

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