
Friday, February 09, 2018

At terror rally, Hamas displays poster of rabbis they want to kill. (But don't call them antisemtiic.)

From Arutz-7:
The Hamas terror organization publicized an apparent hit list of Israeli rabbis and politicians on Wednesday, at a memorial event for the terrorist responsible for the murder of Rabbi Raziel Shevach in Samaria.

Early Tuesday morning, Israeli security forces shot and killed Ahmad Nasser Jarar, the terrorist who led the fatal attack on Rabbi Shevach last month near the entrance to Havat Gilad.

At a memorial service for Jarar, Hamas placed a placard of Jarar next to a series of photographs of various Israeli rabbis and politicians.

Among the rabbis included in the display were Rabbi Raziel and Rabbi Itamar Ben-Gal, the 29-year-old Har Bracha resident who was stabbed to death by an Arab terrorist in Ariel on Monday.

The pictures of both of the murdered rabbis were covered by a superimposed red ‘X’.

The other figures included in the display, which was an apparent hit list of Israeli Jews, were Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, former Hevron Chief Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi, Likud MK Yehuda Glick, former Likud MK and Zehut party chairman Moshe Feiglin.
The Hebrew on the poster is quite poor, but what it appears to say under the murdered rabbis is "Liquidated - Dead" (the word "Dead" is spelled backwards) and under the others it seems to say "Scheduled to be liquidated."

Just something else outrageous from "Palestine" that barely even makes the Israeli media, let alone the international media.

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