
Monday, February 12, 2018

Ahed Tamimi's father praises murderer of rabbi, yet media still considers family to be icons of non-violence

Bassem Tamimi is Ahed Tamimi's father. He has managed to build a worldwide campaign to make his daughter - the girl who slapped an Israeli soldier on video, and who praised suicide bombers - into a icon, just as he has previously managed to make himself and his family into symbols of "non-violent resistance" - and the media goes along with it.

Yet on his Facebook page, he wrote a tribute to Ahmed Nassar Jarrar, the Hamas terrorist who murdered Rabbi Raziel Shevach:

"Glory, mercy, and peace on your soul in Heaven" is what Tamimi said about the murderer.

He has over 5700 followers, yet none challenged him on his support for terrorism. Which shows that his supposedly non-violent acolytes really aren't.

(h/t @kweansmom, Petra)

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