
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Everyone who visits the Kotel is a "settler" in Arab media

From popular Egyptian news site Youm7 (Seventh Day), showing pictures of Sukkot in Jerusalem.

This is using Google Translate but the translation of مستوطن يهودى  is accurate:

I see this sort of thing all the time. Yesterday Arab media reported 22,500 "settlers" visiting the Tomb of the Patriarchs during Sukkot.

When it comes down to it, every Jew - especially the ones who are recognizably Jewish - is a "settler" to the Arab world. Peace agreement or not, "moderate" or not.

No Arab is complaining to Youm7 about their inaccurate reporting.

Just one of those inconvenient facts that starry-eyed peaceniks prefer not to think about as they blame Israel for no peace.

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