
Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Saudi Arabia to host 1000 family members of Palestinian terrorists ("martyrs")

For the ninth consecutive year, Saudi Arabia announced that it would host a thousand family members of Palestinian "martyrs" for Hajj.

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud  ordered the hosting on Monday.

The Minister of Islamic Affairs Sheikh Saleh bin Abdulaziz bin Mohammed Al-Sheikh said that the offer comes from the Muslim and Arab brotherhood held by the King for Palestine and its people.

Al-Sheikh stressed that the Palestinian people deserve all the respect and appreciation due to their great sacrifices to preserve Jerusalem and the land of Palestine, which is an Arab Islamic land.

He pointed out that the Kingdom sought in all circumstances to obtain the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and achieve their hopes and aspirations, and harnessed their potential at all levels to reach those goals.

These statements make the much heralded Saudi-pushed "Arab Peace Plan" look more like a stage towards the destruction of Israel rather than a permanent peace, if all of Israel is considered to be forever an Arab Islamic land.

This also makes it look like, while Saudi Arabia has been leaning towards declaring Hamas a terror group, it doesn't consider all Palestinian terrorists to be terrorists - only the ones associated with either Iran or the Muslim Brotherhood.

Fatah terrorists are heroes.

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