
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

We Were Just Looking for an Excuse to Kill an A-rab (Judean Rose)

On Monday there was a ramming attack near Tekoa, not far from where I live. The terrorist rammed his car into a group of soldiers, then jumped out of the car brandishing a knife, and attempted to stab as many soldiers as possible. One soldier was injured. The terrorist died, as he intended, while doing his evil deed.

These are the facts, cut and dried.

An hour later, I happened to be on Twitter and saw that the top trending hashtag was "Tekoa." Mildly curious, I clicked to see what people were saying. First there was the IDF Spokesperson's blog, which had everything anyone would want to know in a brief update, except for the missing bit about the injured soldier. We can assume and appreciate that this was not yet known at that point. Fine.
The next tweet was the Jerusalem Post story on the attack.
The JPost lets you know there was an injury, but you don't know that the injured person was Jewish, a soldier, and the attacker, an Arab. To me, this is whitewashing the news piece, whether or not the information is contained in the body of the article. People are busy. Like me, they scan things quickly, register, and move on. How many people read past the headline?

The fact is, it was only going to be an Arab attacking Jews and it had to be said. Why are these details important? People need to know that there is no such thing as an Arab/Israeli conflict. There is only an Arab war against the Jews. Professor Ruth Wisse explains this as no one else can. Everyone should watch THIS VIDEO multiple times.

Be that as it may, the next tweet in the lineup shocked me so that I gasped. I had to read it a few more times to take in the utter duplicitousness of this man, Muntaser Alrefai, and his account of what had happened only an hour before, in my neighborhood.
Imagine: Jewish soldiers looking for a reason to kill an Arab youth, and then saying, "Well, HE tried to run us over!"

Why would anyone believe this? It's ridiculous. Absolute rubbish. Just a LIE from start to finish.

A lie.

But I knew that most of the world would believe that lie, for the simple reason that people love to hate Jews and want to see Arabs as victims. The truth doesn't matter to them, no matter how many terrorists shoot people up in airports in Belgium, supermarkets in France, or run them over with trucks in Germany or England. When it happens in Israel, it's not terror, natch? It's FREEDOM FIGHTING.

It could make you tear your hair out, that people want to believe this stuff, as unbelievable as it is. It makes you despair.

More than that, it makes you realize that people like Alrefai are black hearted and truly evil. There is nothing there with which one can make peace. Not ever.

In fact, for safety's sake, it's best to stay away from them. Far away. An Alrefai (and there are multitudes of them) will wield his black magic, swaying the undecided to his side as well as the already convinced, by rushing them with a tsunami of distorted vocabulary: pretext, occupation forces, Palestinian youth.

Lies, lies, lies. And the sheeple are convinced. You can't change their minds by showing them facts. They'll tell you they have their own facts. And what are their facts? A body no less than UNESCO (!), for instance, says that the Jews have no right to Yerushalayim, and that Hevron, where Sarah, Rivka, Leah, Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov are buried, is an "endangered Palestinian site."

Their lies are mainstream.

And you know who helps them rile people up against the Jews? Do you know who helps rile up ARABS against Jews?

Yes, Haaretz, who called it a "suspected car-ramming attack" when no. There was no such suspicion. It WAS indeed, a ramming attack.

Not to mention that it was followed by a STABBING attack. And look how they order the words. "lightly wounded" is the first thing you see, so you'll say, "Oh, no big deal. Someone got a scratch."


And then, of course, it's his own fault, the guy who got injured, because he was in the WEST BANK, near a SETTLEMENT. As opposed to a town in Judea.

Judea. Funny, how that's the proper geographical name of the territory. And it's certainly the name you'd expect it to be called by a Jewish publication. But no. There's a reason they call Haaretz, "the only Arab newspaper that's printed in Hebrew."

"Settlement" is a word tossed about like an epithet. As if Judea and Samaria were not the indigenous territories of the Jewish people, won fair and square in a battle we were forced to fight. People who read Haaretz think Jews have no right to live in these places.

I, meanwhile, wonder why the people at Haaretz live in Israel, to begin with. If they really think the Arabs are living under occupation and that we should give them Jewish land, why don't they frickin' LEAVE?

The answer, of course, is subversion, which is why they continue to limp along, though sales are drastically down. They want to bring down the state.

It was a relief to see the next tweet. Ynet showed class in this instance. Without mentioning nationalities or religions, this publication made it clear: A terrorist attacked a soldier. 
My blood pressure probably dropped 20 points reading that. But then I came to a tweet by Judah Ari Gross, the military correspondent for the Times of Israel.
There's that word again: "suspected." Add it to "settlement" and you've got the formula down. It means: anyone who gets hurt in Judea and Samaria damn well DESERVES IT.

Just as Haaretz has been dubbed the only Arab newspaper that appears in Hebrew, the Times of Israel is (not so fondly) called Haaretz 2 by those in the know.

These are the papers of record that the big news outlets turn to for their stories. Papers like the Washington Post and CNN. And it's like the game "telephone" we used to play at birthday parties, where a kid whispers a word into a kid's ear, and that kid whispers it into the next kid's ear, and so on and so forth and then the last kid in the circle calls out the word and everyone laughs, because the word is totally different from the one originally uttered.

Naturally, if you call any of these news outlets on their facts, they'll say, "But we read it in an Israeli publication!"

Uh huh.

By the way, the Washington Post, via the Associated Press, skews the order of its headline to make the killing of the terrorist the main event:

"Israel: Palestinian assailant killed after attacking soldier"

Note that the terrorist becomes an "assailant," and soldiers becomes "soldier." There's no mention of any injury caused by the attack. That would be deemed too sympathetic to Israel.

We should be grateful for small tidbits: the headline refers to Judea as "Israel."


Don't anyone tell them.