
Monday, May 08, 2017

Those non-indigenous Zionist pigs strike again!

From the Palestinian Authority's official "news" agency, Wafa:
A wild pig attacked on Friday night a 10-year-old child in the town of Yamoun, west of Jenin, causing her injury in her hand, according to local sources.

They said Alaa Houshieh was admitted to hospital after she as bit in her hand by a pig.

Palestinians say Israeli settlers let wild pigs run loose in the fields to attack farmers and villagers as a way to keep them off their land.

The residents, who say they never before had wild pigs in the West Bank until the settlers came there, have urged the Palestinian Authority to help get rid of the wild pigs in their areas, which have become a threat to them, particularly children.
From Baedecker, 1906 " Palestine and Syria with the chief routes through Mesopotamia and Babylonia: handbook for travellers"

From "Palestine," Josiah Conder, 1830:

From Psalms 80:13:
Why hast Thou broken down her fences, so that all they that pass by the way do pluck her? The boar out of the wood doth ravage it, that which moveth in the field feedeth on it.
Yes, the wild boars are more indigenous to the region than....Palestinian Arabs.

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