
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Iranian dhimmi Jewish parliamentarian says Iran has no antisemitism

Iran has trotted out their token Jews to show that they aren't antisemitic at all, only anti-Israel.

Iran's token Jewish MP, Siamak Mareh Sedq, called Benjamin Netanyahu an "insane vampire" for comparing the desire of the Persian empire to destroy all Jews in the Purim story with the desire of the Iranian entity to destroy the Jewish State today.

He added that anti-Semitism and racism have never been witnessed in the Iranian culture.

In completely unrelated news, the Supreme Leader of Iran tweeted:

See? Nothing antisemitic about saying that "Zionists" control the media.

He has also in the past called the Holocaust a "myth."

But he's not antisemitic. The person he holds hostage as the official court Jew says so!

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