
Friday, March 03, 2017

Fatah terror group leader is also a politician

Two weeks ago:
The Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs announced that two detainees, Jamal Abu Allel and Raed Fayez, have entered an open hunger strike today, protesting against the extension of their Administrative Detention in a punitive manner that includes all the Administrative detainees.
The commission declared that the Negev prison administration yesterday informed  detainee Abu Allel that his administrative detention will be renewed to six months for the third time respectively.
Opponents of administrative detention claim that Israel gives no reason for detaining suspects. So why indeed is Israel detaining Jamal Abu Al-Leil?

A hint comes from this article from today.

The Al Aqsa Brigades of the Qalandiya camp plans to close a major road between Jerusalem and Ramallah next week for three days in support of Abu Al-Leil.

Guess what? Abu Al-Leil is their leader!

He was arrested a year ago because Israel linked him to the series of shooting attacks that was occurring during the "knife intifada" as terror groups tried to capitalize on the "lone wolf" attacks.

This terrorist leader Jamal Abu Al-Leil is also a member of Fatah's Revolutionary Council, the top legislative body of Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah.

In summary, a terror group associated with Fatah will make the lives of Palestinians miserable by closing a road in support of their leader, who also happens to be a respected politician under Mahmoud Abbas.

Here are the members of the Fatah terror group in the Qalandiya camp showing support for  Abu Al-Leil's hunger strike by shooting rifles in the air.

There is no line between the "political" and "military" wings even of Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah. But good luck seeing that reported anywhere.

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