
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Donald Trump: Good for the Jews? EoZ symposium in Jerusalem TONIGHT

I will be hosting and moderating this symposium/debate in Jerusalem tonight at 7:30 PM.

A roundtable blogger discussion and debate

Moderated by Elder of Ziyon

Brian of London: Explaining left wing US Jews to Trump voters
Varda Meyers Epstein: The Most Pro-Israel President Ever (or is he?)
Gidon Shaviv: From Pallywood to Fake News - a tale of caution
Adam Levick: Why Zionists should reject the Alt-Right

Suggested donation ₪40

Poale Tzedek 2, 4th floor
(corrner of Pierre Koening)
Talpiot, Jerusalem

It should be fun! Trump is possibly the most divisive issue in the unapologetically Zionist world and there is a lot of stuff to talk about.

If you are in Israel, come on out and see us!

You can register on Facebook here, or just let me know in the comments you plan to come.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.