
Monday, February 13, 2017

Fatah's first military communique, January 1, 1965, invoked jihad

As we've mentioned many times, Fatah celebrates its anniversary as if it began on January 1, 1965, but that was really the first terror attack - Fatah was organized in the 1950s.

On the front page of the FatahMedia site is a link to the text of Military Communique No. 1 from Fatah's Asifah Forces, which is what they celebrate every year.

It is notable in a number of respects.

One is that it refers to all of Israel as "occupied territory."

It refers to a supposed operation that occurred on December 13, 1964, in which Asifah supposedly infiltrated Israel from Lebanon and returned safely, without discussing anything that they actually did.

It says that Arabs should control all land from the Atlantic to the Gulf.

Finally, and most interestingly, it refers to its actions as jihad - holy war. People think of Fatah as being the secular equivalent of Palestinian "resistance movements, " but from the start Fatah used the language of jihad to justify its terror attacks.

And this interest in jihad remains to this day, There are many posters celebrating this Military Communique No. 1.

 Military Communiqué No. 1

Issued by the General Command of the Asifah forces

Dependent upon us to God, our belief in the right of our people in the struggle to recover their usurped homeland, and our belief in the duty of holy war ... and our belief in the Arab position to reign from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf; and because we believe we have the support free and honest world ... so it has moved in the wings of the striking forces in the night Friday, 13/12/1964 and has implemented the required operations within the occupied territory ... and all of the men returned to their camps safely ...
We warn the enemy from carrying out any action against innocent Arab civilians wherever they are ... because our troops will respond to attacks. .. and we will consider these actions to be war crimes ... as we warn all States against intervening in favor of the enemy in any way ... because our troops will respond to this work by exposing the interests of the states of destruction wherever they are ...
Long live the unity of our people
and lived his struggle to regain his dignity and homeland
1 / 1/1965
General command of forces Asifah 
Here are some posters of the communique made by Palestinians over the years.

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