
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Horrific videos of animal slaughter in Gaza for Eid

Every year, during Eid al Adha, videos are released showing amateur slaughterers trying to kill cows in the streets of Gaza.

This video - three minutes of stabbing a cow in the neck and torture that still doesn't kill the animal - is so horrific that even other Muslims are questioning whether this is allowed under Islam.

But at the same time, Gazans are posting videos of similar horrible scenes and calling them "beautiful and wonderful":

In this Gaza video, the onlookers chant "Allahu Akbar" as the poor beast slowly bleeds to death:

In this one the cow isn't even dead by the end of the video as a crowd watches and cheers:

Gaza is perhaps the worst as people chase after and slaughter animals in the street in an orgy of animal torture. But even official slaughterhouses can be as bad. This video from Beirut shows dozens of animals that are already seemingly slaughtered still alive and moving on the ground afterwards (starting at 0:24.)

Over 200 Gazans were reported injured on the first day of Eid during these scenes as cows tried to escape, slaughterers injured themselves and others with their knives, and similar injuries.

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