
Sunday, September 04, 2016

Haaretz publishes another fake "Palestinian moderate"

Last week, in Haaretz, Fatah's International Relations Commissioner and former PLO foreign minister Nabil Sha'ath accused Israel of not being interested in the two state solution.

It is easy enough to fisk his op-ed by itself, with statements like "Palestinian people['s] systematically and directly obstructed by the wall." Why exactly is that?

Nevertheless, it is more instructive to look at Sha'ath's other statements on the record to see how interested he is in peace, as he pretends to be.

In 2015, he said, in describing cities in Israel, "My right to return here has not been lost. Safed, the city of my birth, is my city; Gaza, the city of my father and his family, is my city; Jaffa is my city, and glorious Jerusalem is my city. Nablus, my wife's city, as well as Hebron, Acre, Bethlehem, Beersheba and Nazareth – they are all my cities."

In 2012, he said, "Adoption of the popular resistance does not mean giving up the armed struggle law and morality gives the right of armed resistance."

In 2011, he said that the international community "reshaped the issue of the 'Jewish state' into a formula that is also unacceptable to us – two states for two peoples. They can describe Israel itself as a state for two peoples, but we will be a state for one people. The story of "two states for two peoples" means that there will be a Jewish people over there and a Palestinian people here. We will never accept this – not as part of the French initiative and not as part of the American initiative.

And he has stated, multiple times, that any two state solution is simply a stage for a one-state Palestine where Jewish self-determination does not exist.

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