
Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Egyptian paper determines that Jews really do control the world

El Bashayar of Egypt has an article that starts out asking, "Many Arabs and Muslims from around the world are talking about the control by the Jews on the world economy and their control of major countries' policies. Is this talk about the physical reality of the evidence, or just conspiracy theories to justify the defeat of the Arabs and Muslims in today's time?"

Very quickly its readers learn the answer: Of course Jews control the world! The Rothschilds are worth as much as $500 trillion, seven times the budgets of the nations of the world combined! They were behind the Kennedy - and Lincoln! - assassinations!

And it isn't only the Rothschilds. Look at Sergei Brin and Andy Grove (who just passed away) and Larry Ellison and Michael Dell! Look at the heads of all the major media organizations!

Good to know that they could prove definitively that their own inadequacies are not the reason that Arab nations are backward and far behind the West in every important metric. They can safely blame the Jews and go on with their lives.

Thank Allah for giving them such a great scapegoat.

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