
Wednesday, March 02, 2016

UNRWA-USA communications director tweets hate for Israel (UPDATE)

(See update below)

Remember how UNRWA pretends to be non-partisan?

UNRWA-USA communications director Laila Mokhiber sent out this tweets showing her support for "Israeli Apartheid Week:"

Not exactly objective, is it?

As soon as Avi Mayer tweeted about it, she protected her account from being seen publicly:

And soon thereafter, it was gone!

And this is a communications director who openly supports hate for Israel! Even though she no longer tweets under her name, she still has her hate and  she still has her job.

How long is UNRWA going to keep pretending that it is non-partisan?

UPDATE: Mokhiber's Facebook presence is still online at the moment and it shows plenty of other anti-Israel activity and support for terrorists:

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