
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

That "one democratic state" the Left wants would not be very liberal

The BDS crowd says that, in the name of justice and peace, Israel should be destroyed and replaced with a single Arab state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, where the Jewish minority would be respected (although they would be banned from visiting their holy sites.)

But what would such a state look like in terms of other human rights besides Jews?

A hint comes from a Haaretz interview of the Arab members of Knesset Hanin Zoabi, Jamal Zahalka and Basel Ghattas who advocate this utopian one-state solution to their adoring fans in the far Left.

Q: What about LGBT rights in the secular and democratic state [you envision]?

[Zahalka:] "This is an issue we don't comment on".

"Our society is not yet ready to deal with this issue", adds MK Zoabi, "in fact it's not ready do deal with simpler issues such as interfaith marriage. We're still fighting for basic social rights like freedom of expression and women's rights. As a society we're deteriorating. 30 years ago there were more freedom and progress. The hegemony of religious discourse is getting stronger".
There you go. A one-state solution, so passionately pushed by "Students for Justice in Palestine" and other campus groups, would have no LGBT rights, few rights for women, limited rights for Jews, limited freedom of expression, and it would practice other forms of repression. Just like every other Arab state.

To these hypocrites in Knesset and on campus, destroying Israel is more important than the basic human rights of the people that would live in the new Arab state.

(h/t Yoel)

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