
Friday, February 05, 2016

Turns out there's more cancer in WB than Gaza - but they blame Israel anyway

Yesterday I reported that the Palestinian Ministry of Health blamed unnamed Israeli weapons for the prevalence of cancer rates in Gaza - for World Cancer Day.

The PA's official Wafa news agency today has another article about cancer rates, but it says that cancer is more prevalent in the West Bank than in Gaza. 82 people per 100,000 in the West Bank have cancer, against 77 in Gaza. Lung cancer is the top type.

Dr. Jawad Al-Bitar gives a few reasons for this - more fast food and obesity in the West Bank, for one. But he specifies one other reason: "The occupation authorities also have a role through dumping waste in private fields in various parts of the West Bank which contain dangerous chemicals that are carcinogenic."

See? No matter what happens - floods, honor killings, cancer - it is always Israel's fault!

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