
Sunday, February 07, 2016

Travel+Leisure Magazine removes photo of Israel from Instagram

In November, an assistant digital editor at Travel+Leisure magazine posted this beautiful photo of the Negev on Instagram:

Notice the comment from "85til__" - what is he or she talking about?

Therein lies the tale.

That same photo was posted as an editor's pick by Travel+Leisure in their main Instagram account. Within a couple of hours, apparently after complaints from people who get livid at the very mention of the word "Israel," they removed the word Israel:

Readers noticed. Some were happy and some were upset:

So what did the magazine editors do?

They removed the post altogether.

To be sure, in the past there have been some wonderful stories about Israel in Travel+Leisure magazine. There is no evidence whatsoever that they are anti-Israel.

But with the slightest whiff of manufactured controversy - after all, who disputes that the Negev is part of Israel? - they caved to a tiny number of haters.

Twice in the space of a few hours.

I emailed the digital editor as well as the originator of the photo, but they did not respond.

(h/t E)

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