
Thursday, February 04, 2016

Antisemitic Arab cartoonist complains that Jews report her Facebook page (EoZTV)

This is the self-portrait of cartoonist Omayya Joha.

Her work has been featured in this blog as the source of some of the most popular antisemitic and inciting cartoons being published nowadays in Arab media.

There is an article in Al Sharq where she whines that Facebook has been warning her about complaints that she is getting, she assumes from Jews, about her cartoons.

The EoZTV version of this story is here. You can continue the article below.

Her Facebook page is still up today. And here are some of her images that Facebook does not consider offensive enough to take down:

First, the unintentionally ironic ones:

Yes, Israel stabbing Arab women. 

Here she is upset that Arabs care more about soccer than Al Aqsa, so the Jews take advantage of it. Not mentioning that the Arabs play soccer on the courtyards of Al Aqsa!

She incites Arabs to riot over Al Aqsa by claiming that Jews are fueling the flames. 

Now, the antisemitic cartoons that are still on her Facebook page:

But Facebook did take some of her work down. She even made a cartoon about that, blaming - well, you know:

These cartoons are not on her page, probably because of those evil Jews shown above complaining about them.

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