
Sunday, December 06, 2015

Head of Western-funded NGO:"Ancient Zionist terrorists wrote the Torah; plundering, occupying, criminal, terrorist killer Jews"

Last week I wrote about Dr Gamal Abdel Nasser Mohammed Abu Nahel, head of the Palestinian Commission for Refugees Rights Protection which has been funded and/or supported by USAID, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Anna Lindh Foundation, the UN Development Program and others. He regularly meets with delegations from around the world, most recently with people from Japan and Malaysia.

 I noted his essay, promoted on the Facebook page of his NGO, that called Jews "the largest and most despicable gang in the world."

Abu Nahel just wrote another article to show off his Jew-hatred, titled "My Message to the Ultra-Jewish Usurpers." It is also featured on the PCRP's Facebook page.

This may be the most hateful antisemitic article I have ever seen from the Arab world. 

And the writer is respected by Western NGOs who continue to fund him!


The Quran tells us that there is a people that are the kings of terror, it is their habit to kill, oppress, tyrannize and betray. They are still the top criminals in the world after centuries. They are the Jews, the Sons of Israel.

You Jews think that you are Allah’s Chosen people and you are above everybody else and everybody else should be your servants, and their souls are evil souls.

Yet Allah said in the Koran about you (Quran 3:21): "Those who disbelieve in the signs of Allah and kill the prophets without right and kill those who order justice from among the people - give them tidings of a painful punishment."

We are not surprised that you deem the innocent blood of women, children of non-Jews, especially Palestinians, free prey. The ancient and modern Zionist terrorists wrote the Torah and claimed it was God’s words.

Because you Jews falsify Allah’s words, curses came down upon you. You claim that Hitler burnt you and that Pharaoh killed your children. Now you are doing even worse things to Arabs, Muslims and Palestinians, committing war crimes.

Oh Jews, you are the criminal gang of Netanyahu and Lieberman, you gang of plunderer settlers, you are the last colonialist, criminal, terrorist, fascist, Nazi, Pharaonic, Hitlerite occupation that modern human history knows.

You extremist, criminal, plunderer settler Jews, you lowly, despicable gang, we say to you that Allah told us that He would enable us to get to your necks and torture you, and this will last till Judgment Day. You are gathering in Palestine so that it becomes your graveyard. You came here as plundering occupiers so that Palestine will become the place of your slaughter, humiliation, and the Arabs, Muslims and Palestinians will lie in ambush for you, make you pay the jizya and kill you.

It says in the Quran, 7:164-167: "And when a community among them said, 'Why do you advise [or warn] a people whom Allah is [about] to destroy or to punish with a severe punishment?' they [the advisors] said, 'To be absolved before your Lord and perhaps they may fear Him.' And when they forgot that by which they had been reminded, We saved those who had forbidden evil and seized those who wronged, with a wretched punishment, because they were defiantly disobeying. So when they were insolent about that which they had been forbidden, We said to them, 'Be apes, despised and hated.' And [mention] when your Lord declared that He would surely [continue to] send upon them until the Day of Resurrection those who would afflict them with the worst torment. Indeed, your Lord is swift in penalty; but indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful.

[In other words, Allah will send against the Sons of Israel a tribe of Arabs that will torture them terribly until the Day of Judgment.]

Oh plundering, occupying, criminal, terrorist killer Jews, we the Palestinians are your fate in this holy and blessed land. Allah bestowed an honor upon us by giving us this land in order to be the vanguard of jihad, resistance and struggle in order to protect the honor of the Arab and Muslim umma (nation). Despite the bloodshed, the great and honorable Palestinian mother will keep receiving news of the martyrdom of her son and his ascent to Paradise with ululation. As for you, plunderer, cheater, criminal, pharaonic, worshippers of the Cow and the Calf, oh Zionists, your fate will be to be thrown to the garbage bin of history.

This respected NGO leader excretes bile like this weekly, all linked from the PCRP's official Facebook page. For example, this recent article says Jews are "herds of rapist pigs, the Jews are descendants of monkeys and pigs."

It never ceases to amaze me how such explicit bigotry is condoned by the world that continues to not only ignore but actually fund this hate.

Write to the NED, USAID Anna Lindh and UNDP and ask them point blank why they support this Jew-hatred, ask them to explicitly condemn Dr. Mahel both in the email and on their webpages, and ask them to specify exactly what they plan to do to ensure that their grantees don't act unacceptably now and in the future. Stress that if they really care about peace, then they must be vocal about such incitement to hatred, or else they appear to be condoning it.

NGOs are very sensitive to things like this going public, even though they will try to sweep it under the rug. Some will try to say that they haven't funded PCRP recently so they are blameless. The answer is that whether they like it or not, they are associated with the group because of their past support and as such it is their responsibility to use their influence to get PCRP to fire Dr. Nahel and condemn his hate - if they really care about peace. Pretending that Arab antisemitism is somehow understandable is not an acceptable response, and if they aren't angry about this, then they are part of the problem.

Only a few polite emails will make a huge difference.  Send any responses to me so we can get more pressure going to stop this hate and incitement.

And when you get just one of these funders to publicly denounce this Jew-hatred, then the media will notice, and the PCRP will be forced to either double-down on the hate or try to explain it away.

Here is where you, today, can make a difference.

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

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