
Wednesday, October 07, 2015

This is called a "peaceful demonstration" according to the Palestinian Authority

The PA's official Wafa news agency has a photo essay entitled "Israeli army suppress a peaceful demonstration condemning violations against Al-Aqsa and the holy sites near the Kalandia crossing 10-6-2015."

Here is every image they showed of the "peaceful demonstration:"

When will the world realize that when Palestinian officials use words like "peaceful demonstration" (and "storming Al Aqsa" and dozens of other stock phrases) they are lying through their teeth?

Here is video of the same riots:

And this video of the riots from a distance shows that ordinary Palestinian Arabs, only meters away from the stone throwing, are not the least bit concerned that the supposedly trigger-happy Israeli forces will do anything to them:

There's also this interesting tidbit from The Guardian showing that the PA is solidly behind the riots:
The Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, has warned Palestinians not to fall into the trap of “militarising” the current escalation of violence as confrontations with Israeli security forces appeared to spread on Tuesday.

“We don’t want a military and security escalation with Israel,” Abbas said at a meeting of Palestinian officials, according to the official news agency Wafa. “We are telling our security forces, our political movements, that we do not want an escalation, but that we want to protect ourselves.”

Although Abbas’s comments were initially interpreted as an indication he was moving to calm the situation – amid reports that Israeli and Palestinian security officials planned to meet on Tuesday evening – a Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) statement issued later seemed to undermine those hopes.

“Saluting the masses of Palestinians who are confronting the occupation,” the statement said, before calling on Palestinians to “unite for an act of national defence”.