
Sunday, October 04, 2015

Celebrated "non-violent activist" supports murdering Jews and pushes blood libel

Manal Tamimi is a member of the family from Nabi Saleh who has been celebrated and romanticized by Amnesty International and media outlets as leaders of "non-violent resistance." Her husband Bilal videos every weekly demonstration there, and she is related to Bassam Tamimi whom Amnesty is sponsoring on a speaking tour through the US now.

Yesterday, Manal made it clear that while she personally might not murder Jews, she sure supports people who do:

There was more:

And finally:

Ah, "non-violent not peaceful." The perfect combination to fool peace-loving Westerners who cannot tell the difference.

And she says that Jews  drink children's blood for good measure.

Manal's support for violence is exactly what her relative Bassem, Amnesty's darling, believes too:

In the already mentioned tribute to the Tamimis and their village Nabi Saleh that was featured as a New York Times Magazine cover in March 2013, Bassem Tamimi made clear that in his view, “[t]aking up arms wasn’t … a moral error so much as a strategic one.” Reportedly, Tamimi and everyone else in the village “insisted they had the right to armed resistance; they just don’t think it works” and “they resented being asked to forswear bloodshed.”
But it is apparently not necessary to forswear bloodshed and condemn terrorist attacks against civilians in order to win support from Amnesty International and praise from the European Union.
And quite obviously, neither Amnesty nor the EU or the media are much bothered by the fact that a “human rights defender” like Bassem Tamimi would send his young children in an almost weekly ritual, year after year, to provoke soldiers that he regularly denounces as brutal and trigger-happy.
These, ladies and gentlemen, are the Tamimis, whose ranks include some of the most notorious terrorists ever.

Yet Amnesty doesn't only support them - they support their propagandizing third graders in the US.