
Wednesday, September 02, 2015

"Scandalously dressed women near Al Aqsa Mosque"

Palestine Press Agency is very upset. over "Israeli women dressed scandalously."

Israeli media displayed images of girls wearing revealing clothes near the wall of the old city of Jerusalem.

The photos show the girls as they danced in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa without any objection.
It is so scandalous that the news agency felt compelled to publish several photos:

This is an exercise from JPole Fitness, a Jerusalem-based workout center.  They do call it "pole dancing" but it does not have the connotations that the term has elsewhere.
These photos were of course taken outside the Old City walls.

Interestingly, the first Arabic articles about this were copied word for word from a Zionist Arabic website, Al Masdar, and were quite positive about the program, emphasizing that the classes are meant to empower women and are open to all races and religions.

It took a couple of days for Arabic media to decide to be angry at women dancing on poles in Jerusalem.