The New York Times today has a story with a scary headline: “Iran’s Supreme Leader Says Israel Won’t Exist in 25 Years.” The first sentence repeats the idea that Iran’s leaders don’t want “Israel” to be around much longer.See? The Ayatollah didn't say anything about Israel! He has nothing against Israel as a nation, just the "Zionist regime!" How can the
Iran’s supreme leader predicted Wednesday that Israel would not exist in 25 years, . . .This sounds alarming unless you’re familiar with the way the mainstream press has twisted Iranian leaders’ statements in the past. So patience is required because in the third paragraph Ayatollah Khamenei makes clear that he means not “Israel” but the “Zionist regime.”
“After nuclear negotiations, the Zionist regime said that they will not be worried about Iran in the next 25 years,” Ayatollah Khamenei wrote. “I am telling you, first, you will not be around in 25 years’ time, and God willing, there will be no Zionist regime in 25 years. Second, during this period, the spirit of fighting, heroism and jihad will keep you worried every moment.”
The name “Israel” never appears in any quote in this story. Just “the Zionist regime."
Do I really have to debunk this?
OK, OK. From the Supreme Leader's website, the official translation of a speech he gave on July 18:
These are the people of Iran. It is the people of Iran who paint such a picture of themselves on the scene of worshipping God during the month of Ramadan and on the scene of fighting against arrogance, each in different ways. Our people should not be known through the hostile words of others. Rather, they should be known through themselves, through their slogans, through their movements and through such magnificent reflections. These are the people of Iran. ...The slogans of the people of Iran showed what our orientations are. On Quds Day, the slogan of "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" shook the scene of the country. And these slogans were not particular to Tehran and large cities. The entire country stood under the umbrella of this movement.Khamenei is saying that "Death to Israel" (and "Death to America") are what the Iranian people want and what Khamanei's orientations are - and God should accept their prayers.
Dear God, accept what the people of Iran have done with Your mercy and kindness.
The words "Zionist regime" are not mentioned in the speech even once! That must mean, by Mondoweiss logic, that Khamenei has no problem with the Zionist regime, but only with Israel.
(Remember - Mondoweiss is considered an excellent source of news by UNRWA's Chris Gunness.)
(h/t Aryeh)