
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Today's Pallywood production (update)

A Jew and his son were walking in the Old City of Jerusalem.

An Arab says something to (or possibly spits at) them as they pass by.

The man, insulted, turns around and shoves the Arab twice.

Police separate the two.

Then the Arab starts his act.

He swoons and falls to the ground, pretending to faint.

Police try to pick him up but he keeps his knees on his stomach (while supposedly unconscious) so he can not be forced to stand.

So they carry him off.

Now the Arab headlines can say 'Settlers assault Christian man who said' Allahu Akbar. '"

(Ht / Bob Knot)

UPDATE : Bob K found another angle where it Appears the police held the Arab's throat for two seconds.

# Video | settlers assaulted a young man in front of the door of the chain and the occupation forces showered beat him Mmy led to loss of consciousness and taken to Ospy.tsoar Sabreen slaves
Posted by Holy network news on Wednesday, August 12, 2015