
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Now terrorists are throwing "paint Molotovs" to cause drivers to crash. Plus, more Gaza rockets.

Israeli site 0404 reports that last night, Arab terrorists attacked Jerusalem bus line 270 with a Molotov cocktail, rocks - and glass bottles filled with paint.

The firebomb did not explode, but the paint bottles did.

There has been an increase in such attacks lately, meant to hit windshields of cars and buses in order to force drivers to lose control and crash.

Paint ball guns cannot be far behind.

There were also four additional firebomb attacks  and nine rock-throwing attacks overnight, according to the article.

The same site reports that a rocket was shot from Gaza last night as well, but it fell short in Gaza. Gaza's IS claimed responsibility.

The Gaza NGO Safety Office reports that it was really 4 rockets shot that all fell short.

These are some of the stories that simply do not make it into the news until people get killed.