
Monday, August 03, 2015

Just who is acting with impunity, Amnesty?

Another day, another Amnesty tweet that shows that it is anything but objective:

Israel doesn't act with impunity. It has an army with a large number of checks and balances. Israel's conduct in the Gaza war that Amnesty claims shows Israeli war crimes has been praised by the real experts in Western armies.. When a mistake happens the IDF investigates it and prosecutes the relatively rare number of times that crimes are committed. Every single bomb dropped by a plane is checked by teams of people to ensure that the target is of high enough military value and that there is a low likelihood of innocent casualties relative to its value. 

Amnesty International, however, does act with impunity. It writes reports and creates online "resources' that are filled with sloppy research, clear errors and evidence of knowing lies. I've written some 19 articles in the past three weeks showing how Amnesty utterly disregards truth, context and fairness.

Israel has to answer to international law. Israel gets pressured from its friends about its actions. Israel is under withering attack from news organizations and from NGOs like Amnesty which regularly generate reports that are covered admiringly in the media. And all of these facts affect how Israel acts, to the point that the IDF will put soldiers and citizens at risk unnecessarily in order to forestall criticism.

Amnesty, on the other hand, has no concerns about criticism. It completely ignores the issues leveled against it by organizations like NGO Monitor or blogs like mine, no matter how well documented those criticisms are.  

Amnesty, HRW and other NGOs have no independent oversight. They have no regulations. They have no auditors for their reports. They have no objective third party standards. They have no professional association that can ensure that they adhere to consistent standards of objectivity. They don't have to report to anyone outside their own organizations. They emphatically  reject international fact-finding standards that would all but eliminate bias. They misinterpret international law. They do not hire any experts who might contradict their pre-ordained conclusions. They do not have to issue corrections. 

In other words, these NGOs can publish reports filled with lies with complete impunity

So when Amnesty and HRW accuse Israel of acting with impunity, they are nothing but hypocrites.