
Thursday, August 06, 2015

"Jewish messiah is a terrorist"

JTA reports:
Egyptian attitudes about Jews are changing. Egyptians are reassessing 1950s-era nationalization policies that squeezed out the Jewish community and other ethnic minorities. The word “Jew” is used less frequently as a curse word, and the historical TV drama “Jewish Quarter” was a breakout hit during Ramadan. The series cast the Islamist group the Muslim Brotherhood as a greater threat to Egypt’s unity and security than the Jews and, sometimes, even the Zionists.
This is true, and I have reported on this phenomenon a few times.

But it doesn't mean that antisemitism in Egypt is not tolerated. There is still plenty of it and there is no stigma attached to it.

El Badil has an article by Gaza-based Mustafa Yusuf Leddawi that says that, unlike the messiahs of Christianity and other religions, the Jewish messiah is supposed to be particularly depraved.

He says that the Jewish messiah would be an "assassin terrorist, and usruper aggressor, and a liar, filled with evil, bloodthirsty, and calls for war, and fights peace, and kills the weak, and fights the oppressed, and champions the oppressor, and assaults all righteousness and honesty, supports all falsehood, an unjust tyrant..."

Leddawi, who we have shown previously shown to promote the classic blood libel, is particularly worried about the Jewish messiah destroying the Al Aqsa Mosque in order to rebuild the Temple, and he thinks that every Israeli wants to do this themselves.

There is a huge irony here in Leddawi saying that the Jewish messiah is particularly violent. Last Christmas, he described Jesus admiringly as the "first Palestinian fedayeen," the term used for Arab terrorists.