
Sunday, July 05, 2015

Terrorist celebrates his masters degree in Israeli prison

Residents of Jenin are celebrating Islam Salih Jarrar, who recently received his masters degree in Israel Studies from Al Quds University.

He received the degree while in an Israeli prison. He was mentored by Marwan Barghouti.

Jarrar is a member of Hamas.

Yes, Hamas terrorists can still earn their advanced degrees in those awful, inhumane Israel prisons.

Jarrar is serving a term of nine life sentencesfor his role in a terror attack in Safed in 2002. It appears that the attack was a suicide bombing in August of that year:

Aug 4, 2002 - Nine people were killed and some 50 wounded in a suicide bombing of Egged bus No. 361 traveling from Haifa to Safed at the Meron junction in northern Israel. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

The victims: Mordechai Yehuda Friedman, 24, of Ramat Beit Shemesh; Sari Goldstein, 21, of Karmiel; Maysoun Amin Hassan, 19, of Sajur; Marlene Menahem, 22, of Moshav Safsufa; Sgt.-Maj. Roni Ghanem, 28, of Maghar; Sgt. Yifat Gavrieli, 19, of Mitzpe Adi; Sgt. Omri Goldin, 20, of Mitzpe Aviv; Adelina Kononen, 37, of the Philippines; Rebecca Roga, 40, of the Philippines.