
Thursday, July 09, 2015

Another lie by Amnesty International. Why are they respected by anyone?

In the Jerusalem Post, Philip Luther, the director of Amnesty International’s Middle Eastern and North African program, responded to NGO Monitor's criticism of the "Gaza Platform."

"We are not claiming that the Gaza Platform itself, on its own, gives you a conclusion in every case about whether a war crime was committed or not. It is not able to do that; we are not claiming to do that,” Luther says.

Actually, Amnesty does claim that the tool proves Israeli war crimes.

Here are two screenshots from the beginning of the video, made by Amnesty, touting the purpose of their Gaza Platform:

If the tool doesn't prove any individual case is a war crime, how can Amnesty claim that the tool proves Israel committed war crimes? Does Amnesty believe that a bunch of unproven allegations based on lying sources somehow becomes more accurate when you put a pretty face on top of lies?

Yet another lie by Amnesty, and more proof that the platform is meant not to illuminate but to obscure.

All my posts proving Amnesty bias and lies about their Gaza Platform can be seen here.