
Thursday, June 04, 2015

Pravda says Israel nuked Yemen

From Pravda, May 29:

Saudis have begun to wipe Yemen off the map. Tactical strikes have hit the city.

Shocking video reveals proton bombardment from a neutron bomb.

Israel is reported to be the one to deploy such neutron bombs.

Any doubts about the nuclear attack on Yemen attributed to Israel, as evidenced in two Israeli F16s shot down and forensically identified, are now gone.

Forbidden strikes have brought about a storm of worldwide protest.

Obama has recently promised to provide every assistance including US military force to any "external threat" the rich Arab states of the Gulf may face.
The source for the Israeli F-16 story is Veteran's Today, which in turn uses Pravda to prove the Israeli nuke story. VT says it is "hard fact that has been 100% confirmed."

That settles it!

Further evidence is that "there has thus far been zero denial or refutation (other than by wingnuts and conspiracy theorists) of this having been a nuclear event." Also, some spark-like dots in the video is brought as evidence of nuclear radiation, and "when the camera’s CCD pick up chip is overloaded by excess radiation it will pixelize showing white sparkles all over the picture of the fireball or blast image area." (Interestingly, CCDs can be hacked to see radiation, but the dots indicating radiation are randomly distributed throughout the CCD, not in the pattern that these clowns claim.)

Here's the full video that supposedly proves a nuclear bomb hit Yemen. It looks like a ammo depot, or perhaps a fuel storage facility.

There are many people who believe this stuff.  The story has traveled through the insanity axis of Russian, American fringe and Iranian websites. The video has well over 600,000 views.

(h/t Aryeh)