
Friday, June 05, 2015

French ambassador to US beautifully smacked down on Twitter over "occupation" (UPDATE)

Yesterday, France's ambassador to the US Gérard Araud tweeted this:

This is the sort of thing that is simply accepted as fact by most of the world who has never actually read the Geneva Conventions.

Expert in international law Eugene Kontorovich replied with a withering series of tweets that showed that this diplomat (and most other diplomats, pundits and so-called "experts") is completely and thoroughly wrong - using examples from French companies doing business in, yes, occupied territories:

After thoroughly proving that the French ambassador is a hypocrite, Gérard Araud blocked Eugene.

And then he put up this pathetic defense:

Kontorovich's words in response, that he wrote in an excellent blogpost at the Washington Post:

In other words, no fairs to cite precedents and practice. But of course, if you are talking about international law, “other territories” are entirely relevant. First, for something to be law, it has to be a rule that applies to similar situations. And for it to be international, well, those situations will involve different countries.What the French apparently want is, to paraphrase Stalin, international law for one country. Ok. But don’t call it international. And don’t call it law.
The entire article is a must-read.

Kontorovich proved that the French ambassador is a know-nothing hypocrite, and Araud proved that he has no interest in truth.  Not bad for a Twitter exchange.

UPDATE: Gerard Araud also blocked me on Twitter after I tweeted this single article to him.