
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Amazing how no one ever has a cell phone when "settlers chop down trees"

From Ma'an:
Israeli settlers chopped down more than 70 olive trees between the towns of Yasuf and Jammain in the northern West Bank districts of Salfit and Nablus on Monday.

Palestinian farmers said the trees, which lay close to the illegal Israeli settlements of Ariel and Taffuh, had been cut down using chainsaws.

A local, Khalid Maali, said that because the land lay close to settler roads near the Zaatara checkpoint it had been easy for the settlers to flee afterwards.
Yet again, there is not a single photograph of these trees.

70 trees chopped down with chainsaws would take an enormous amount of effort - and leave lots of evidence. Israellycool recently showed how long it takes to chop down just one part of an olive tree with a chainsaw:

How easy is it to cut down an olive tree?
Brian here. Every year Jews are accused of chopping down thousands of olive trees maliciously: watch just how hard it is to saw off a small, dead part of a healthy olive tree. And realise how necessary this is to keeping these trees healthy.
Posted by Israellycool on Monday, June 8, 2015

But, in an unbelievable coincidence, no one who witnesses this devastation which is reported weekly ever has a cell phone with them to snap some photos!

However, the media does manage to find completely spontaneous file photos of  Arab women crying next to their olive trees.