
Thursday, May 07, 2015

PLO terrorist Jibril Rajoub keeps lobbying to kick Israel out of FIFA (poster)

Jibril Rajoub, the Fatah terrorist who now heads the Palestine Football Association and Palestine Olympic Committee, continues to do everything he can to expel Israel from FIFA.

This week, he took South African minister Tokyo Sexwale on a tour of Hebron, trying to go into the Jewish-designated section of the Cave of the Patriarchs and confronting Israeli soldiers with Sexwale for photo-ops.

Mahmoud Abbas joined the fun, telling Sexwale that it was time to "show the red card" to Israel.

The peaceful and spot-loving Rajoub last year said that a friendly soccer match between Jewish and Arab children a "crime against humanity."

This moderate Fatah official also once called for a nuclear bomb to be dropped on Israel, and he called the idea of a minute of silence in memory of Israeli Olympic athletes slaughtered by Palestinian terrorists to be "racist."

Here is a poster I made of a recent photo of Jibril Rajoub: Perhaps FIFA should see exactly who is behind the campaign to suspend Israel.

(h/t Bob Knot)