
Monday, May 18, 2015

Israel catches Hamas attempting to smuggle diving suits

Hebrew media is reporting that the Shin Bet has managed to catch a shipment of 40 diving suits to Gaza, hidden among a larger shipment of sportswear, earlier this month.

The shipment was discovered at the Nitzana border crossing between Egypt and Israel, which is used only for commercial goods.

Hamas terrorists used diving suits during Operation Protective Edge in attempts to attack Israel from sea.

Since Egypt has cracked down on smuggling tunnels, Hamas has tried harder to smuggle in goods through the normal daily imports of hundreds of truckloads of goods to Gaza from Israel.

Kikar Hashabbat lists a number of these attempts that were caught over the past four months, most of which have never been reported in English-language media as far as I know:

  • 1200 tubes of polyurethane, used for the production of rocket propellants
  • Rocket fuel hardener, also for propellants, hidden in paint cans
  • 200 kg of crude sulfur rods used in weapons manufacture, hidden in a food shipment
  • 18 tons of metallurgical coke used in furnaces to forge metal

Somehow, I missed this in the Twitter feeds of all those people who are saying that Israel should "end the blockade" to Gaza. Because smuggling in materials to kill Jews fit right in with their "human rights" agendas.