
Tuesday, May 05, 2015

An example of how twisted Palestinian Arab media are

The International Middle East Media Center is employs Palestinian Arab journalists in order to push anti-Israel  propaganda in English. It is apparently associated with Alison Weir's "If Americans Knew" organization through which Americans can give tax deductible donations to IMEMC.

Here's one article that shows how incompetent and nutty these Palestinian "journalists" are:
Greater Israel is a term used, historically, to define the so-called "natural" or desired borders of Israel in the eyes of radical Israeli nationalists.

Founding father of the modern Israeli colonial movement, Theodore Herzl, described the area of the proposed Jewish state as stretching “from the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.” According to Rabbi Fischmann, the so-called Promised Land extends "from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates" and "includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”
Herzl did use that phrase in his diaries as a proposed negotiating position with the Ottoman Empire.

But who is "Rabbi Fischmann"?

It turns out that he was Rabbi Yehuda Leib Fishman, later known as Yehuda Leib Maimon, a founder of the Mizrachi religious Zionist movement in America. He gave testimony to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, and he was answering a question from an Indian representative:

Sir ABDUR RAHMAN (India) : Rabbi Fishman, I do not know the Bible, I do not pretend to know it, but I should like to get information from you, your point of view, and I hope you will enlighten me as to what you have to say in regard to a few matters which I will put to you.

Rabbi Fishman, what was "the Promised Land"?

RABBI FISHMAN: The Promised Land was quite a large one, from the river of Egypt, up to the Euphrates.

The rabbi was answering a history question, not saying what he wanted the borders of Israel to be.

In fact, Rabbi Fishman did not even think it was realistic to have a Jewish state in all of British Mandate Palestine!

Not exactly a proponent of "Greater Israel!"

(The dual quotes of Herzl and "Rabbi Fischmann" are all over anti-Israel websites, showing that not a single anti-Israel activist bothers to check quotes before blindly copying and pasting.)

IMEMC then reveals how crazy its writers are:, and now out of touch the Arab world is to reality:
From this context, the current crisis in the Middle East, including the war on Syria and Iraq (as well as any proposed "humanitarian intervention" by Western powers) has often been perceived by geopolitical analysts to be merely a part of a process for Israeli territorial expansion, via proxy war and any number of destabilization methods affecting vital Arab interests.
Yes, the Palestinian intelligentsia believe that Jews are behind a worldwide conspiracy to foment civil wars in Syria and Iraq in order for Israel to grab those lands.

I've read this plenty of times, but it is rare to see this insanity in English.