
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Video that Arabs claim show Jews provoking them in the Jewish Quarter

Jordan's Dostor news site writes:
Israeli Channel 7 published video of provocations practiced by Jewish settlers against Palestinians during the celebrations over 67 years of occupation of the Palestinian territories.
The video shows some girls shouting "Allahu Akbar" several times in front of a gathering of a number of settlers in the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem. The settlers attempted a provocation in the Palestinian city by raising the Israeli flag.
Arutz 7 sees it a little differently:
As part of Thursday’s Independence Day celebrations, a group of yeshiva students toured the Jewish Quarter of the Old City in Jerusalem, carrying Israeli flags.

As they walked down the streets, they encountered an outspoken group of Muslim women who tried to incite a confrontation, yelling at them in Arabic.

The boys, though, maintained their equanimity, and instead of hurling epithets back at the women, broke into a rousing chorus of “Am Yisrael Chai” (the Nation of Israel Lives”).

You can decide for yourself.

But why these obviously American students started singing a camp "color war" song is anyone's guess.