
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Jews respond to "Allah hu Akbar" taunts with dancing

This video was originally shown on the Al Himna News Facebook page, where they said that "settlers" were taunting the women who scream "Allah Hu Akbar:" at passing Jews.

Keep in mind that this is not on the Temple Mount, but in a street of the Old City outside the complex.

The song that the Jews sang, Yibaneh Hamikdash, translates to "The Temple will be rebuilt; the City of Zion will be restored." It is one of those Zionist songs that were written in medieval times.

I think that this is a proper reaction to the attempts at intimidating Jews in their capital. In fact, I would recommend adapting one of the "Yibaneh HaMikdash" tunes (such as the one that these Jews sang while dancing) to the lyrics "Allah Hu Akbar" and break out into song and dance every time the chant is heard.

(h/t Michael C)