
Thursday, January 08, 2015

Hebron man swims in ice water to express "solidarity" with suffering Syrians, Gazans

61-year old Ishaq Ayesh Abu Mayala decided to show his solidarity with Gazans and Syrians who are without shelter this winter by taking a swim in a small pool of ice water.

Reading a bit further into the reporting, we find out that Abu Mayala does this for fun all the time. But this particular swim was in solidarity with the poor Arabs of Gaza and Syria.

One other thing about this wonderful example of solidarity: None of the news stories I have read about it mentions the name of any charity that he is asking people to give money to. Nor do the stories say that he got sponsors for this event, a stunt that he would have done anyway.

This stunt was perhaps more symbolic than Abu Mayala intended.

Because he acted the way that Palestinian leaders act - valuing symbol over substance, preferring stunts over useful actions.

Just like his leaders, he did not help a single person - but he got a lot of publicity, which is all that really matters when you value symbols over substance..