
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Four Molotov cocktails, two countries, one language, very different reporting

Molotov cocktails were thrown at the guard stations at the Jewish community of Bet El  on Saturday. 

Another one was hurled at an Israeli bus south of Hebron.

Both of these incidents are so routine that the English-language Israeli media didn't even bother to report it. Both of these stories came from Arab media.

Arabic media also reported two other cases of Molotov cocktails being hurled over the weekend. 

One was thrown at the home of a police captain in Egypt. Another was thrown at another policeman's car in Minya, blowing up the car.  

Thankfully, there were no injuries in any of these cases.

But the Egyptian newspapers referred to both of the stories in Egypt as being done by "terrorists."

Of course, no one besides Zionists ever refer to Arabs who throw firebombs at Jews as being "terrorists."  

But what else can you call someone who throws a firebomb at civilians?