
Tuesday, November 04, 2014

UNRWA school logos erase Israel

This is the logo of the UNRWA Nuseirat Preparatory School A for Boys in Gaza:

Notice the UN logo - and the flag of "Palestine" where a UN member state is erased.

And here's another, from the Bureij Preparatory School for Boys:

The UN garland on the bottom, Israel's erasure in the middle.

And another:

This one also appears to be a UNRWA boys middle school logo that denies Israel's existence.

And another, Rimal Boys Prep A;
And yet another, Jabalya Boys Prep C:

It is not exactly anomalous. This is apparently UNRWA's official view of Israel - that it doesn't exist. It is not a big leap to go from that position to the idea that rockets and terror are justifiable means to gain that which UNRWA obviously thinks was stolen by an illegitimate entity.

Do UNRWA's European donors know this?

This is yet more proof that UNRWA does not subscribe to the UN's principles and that the institution is a massive waste of money that is dedicated not to peace but to hate.

I'm not done yet.