
Thursday, November 06, 2014

Official PA newspaper calls all recent terrorists "martyrs" as more car murderers are recruited

An op-ed in Al Hayat Al Jadida today by Hassan Kashef praises as "martyrs" the murderer of Chaya Zissel Braun, the shooter of Rabbi Yehuda Glick and yesterday's murderer of Jidaan Asad.

He doesn't describe exactly what they did, only saying that every Wednesday the praiseworthy Jerusalem Arabs are erupting in anger over Israeli crimes.

Needless to say, there is no condemnation of the series of terror attacks.

Elsewhere, Jew-haters are actively recruiting more terrorists, as in this poster:

The text says "The Heroes of Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque" with a Quranic verse 33:23 praising those who go out for jihad, some of whom were "martyred," who have remained faithful to Allah.

Another recruitment method is through Twitter, with the hashtag "#Drive4AlAqsa" encouraging more people to drive their cars into crowds of Jews.

Posters encouraging more targeting Jews by automobile are popping up all over:

There have been no condemnation of this string of attacks from any "moderate" Palestinian as far as I can tell.

(h/t Bob Knot, Ibn Botrous, Malka)